Good morning, and happy last Sunday before the new year! H. Glogau-Morgan writes books about sci-fi and adventures and is in the process of finishing up her book series Midnight to Morning. She stays busy with life, work, and writing; however, when not writing she reads and even enjoys some role-playing games. She can be found on her blog, Facebook, Goodreads, and Amazon. Feel free to check her out if you are inspired to learn more about her or to read her books, after her interview.
Are you an indie author or a traditionally published author?
I am an indie author, though wouldn’t say no to being traditionally published
Tell me a little about your writing journey, thus far.
It has been quite the journey! Though I’ve written many binders full of stories, starting around age eight or nine, the journey to publishing books started eight years ago. I’d recently gotten to the point where I could no longer teach full time, due to a chronic genetic illness, and I had started part-time work. Due to having more time on my hands, many friends and family started pushing me to turn those stories into books. I tried, failed, and then the dreams started. It was about a different character, and it is her story in my first novels. Her story is wrapping up, and I’ve found a way to turn those binders into books. Adding in adaptive equipment has made the process possible. I love where this adventure is taking me!
Do you write under a pseudonym? If so explain why.
No, though I use both my maiden and married name
What genre do you write and why?
I lean towards adventure and light sci-fi. Both are what I enjoy reading the most, and it seems to come naturally.
What are you currently working on?
The current work-in-progress is the third novel in the “Midnight to Morning” series. It will be wrapping up the series, and I’m very excited as to how it will end. While it is due to be out in late Spring 2019, the novel is being quite stubborn about being titled.
What inspired you to write your books?
Writing has long been a passion of mine, and I’ve had some success with short stories and poetry. For the “Midnight to Morning” series, it came out of a series of dreams I had every night for three weeks. They were very vivid, with each character showing up in incredible detail, including hearing their voices clearly. I was able to remember the details for days afterword. After outlining everything I remembered, and not doing well with my first attempt at another series, it became apparent that this was what I was meant to write. I was also inspired to challenge myself, to push past physical limitations and show that you can be successful even with disabilities.
What are your top 5 favorite books?
It is so hard to narrow down to just five! “This Present Darkness” by Frank E. Peretti, “The Love Life Walk” by Steve Fulgate, “Pandora Principle” by Carolyn Clowes, and anything by Madeleine L’Engle are some of my favorites, though.
What does literary success look like to you?
To me, literary success looks like the following: My novels and personal story becoming known enough that I can start doing small inspirational speaking tours. I want to be a positive influence on others and love helping others. My writing and speaking can be an outlet for both. I’ve done some of this locally already, and it makes me feel so alive and very successful.
How many hours a day do you write? What is your writing routine?
Whether it is working on the current novel project, blogging, writing fan-fiction or other tasks, I try to focus on writing for at least an hour each day. With the assistance of adaptive equipment, I’m usually able to extend that into over two hours. My routine is to rest after my part-time job, contemplating the details of the writing goal for the session. I then get comfortable with the laptop (usually on the couch,) turn off all distractions, and zero in on the task. Because I am a night owl, I usually return to writing, after all, is quiet in the house, and my online MMO role-playing is done for the night.
What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?
I would advise them to find a way to stay positive, no matter what. There will be bad days, writer’s block, poor reviews, moments of being misunderstood and other negatives, but you need to focus on the positive. Did you make your word goal for the day? That is positive. Did you like how a certain scene played out? Focus on that. Were you able to push through a difficult moment? Excellent! Keep all of the positive moments, no matter how small, in your mind. Never give up. There is always a way to achieve your goals, to make your dreams come to life.
Wonderful interview my incredible niece. Always knew you had it in you and am so proud of your accomplishments in spite of your genetic challenges. Keep it going, you have a lot to say, and it need saying.