Do you like fairy tale stories? Are you looking to find a fresh new take on the fairy tale concept? Then look no further than, Soman Chainani’s A School for Good and Evil series. I give it 4 stars!!
I have read book one (A School for Good and Evil) and book two (A World Without Princes). Each book kept me wanting more! They are captivating, intriguing, and offer a unique story for readers of all ages to enjoy! Chainani’s novel explores the fairy tale tropes of good vs. evil, happily ever after, and true love; while spinning a story rich in detail about its two main girls. Agatha and Sophie couldn’t be more different in appearance and personality, yet they are friends. This series is as much about the power and driving force of friendship as it is about its fairy tale concepts. I am reading book three (The Last Ever After), and I cannot wait to see what happens next. The series, currently, is five books long.

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