Good morning! Today I am pleased to introduce author Myunique Green! She is a very talented writer that never let rejection stand in her way! She kept writing and has persevered with her books on the bestseller lists, too. She writes many different genres, so feel free to check out her books, as there may be something for you. If you want to learn more about her, her books, or talk with her; then follow on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and her Author Website!

Are you an indie author or a traditionally published author?
I am an Indie Author.
Tell me a little about your writing journey, thus far.
My journey began by really wanting to create something unique and out of the ordinary. I had just finished a phenomenal book by Rachel Vincent, and I thought to myself: “I can write a book too!” From there, I went on to spend nearly four years developing and researching what would become Everything That Glitters, a fantasy novel about a young woman who discovers she is the daughter of mother nature and the last living god. I tried so many time to pitch it to agents, and eventually built up a collection of letters that essentially said: “You’re good, but not good enough.” My mother reassured me that my novel was just ahead of its time but encouraged me to keep writing. That’s when I had the bright idea just to release it myself. A lot of hours of trial and error went into actually getting it off of the ground though, but, once it was complete, I was glad to see it reach the thirteenth position on Amazon Kindle in Young Adult Fantasy eBooks. Since then, I have released over 18 different works, ranging from Mystery/Thriller and Suspense, Literary Collections of Poems and Short Stories, and recently, Memoir and Women’s Literature. I earned the title of National Bestselling Author after 713 became the #1 paid US Short Story in 2014. Last year, To Mend a Broken Heart was the #1 bestselling novel in Self Help, Abuse books.
Do you write under a pseudonym? If so explain why.
No. My name is my name—even though sometimes my readers have a hard time pronouncing it. It’s My-u-neek. I thought at first that I would do the elusive, M.C Green, but that wave is a little too crowded. I love my name.
What genre do you write and why?
I’ve stretched myself over a variety of genres, to diversify. Sometimes I have a really good full-length mystery story to tell, while others, I just want to dive into something noncommittal like a short story. I only write poetry if I’m feeling exceptionally emotional or have no other way of evoking how I feel.
What are you currently working on?
Currently, I’m working on a mystery novel. It’s a little unconventional,
What inspired you to write your books?
My love for reading started when I was very young, and as I got older, I started writing the elaborate stories that went on in my mind. I even started winning contests and things while in grade school. For the most part, I’ve always known I would be an author someday. Plus, I have an aunt who is one of the most talented poets I’ve ever known. She had a poem published one time, and it encouraged me to write even more. Sometimes, when I would stay at her house, I would go through some of her poetry and marvel at it. A lot of my inspiration kind of spurred from those memories, I not only wanted to write books, but I also wanted to be known for writing books.
What are your top 5 favorite books?
Just 5?! Alright, if I had to pick 5 of all time favs that could take me a while, but these five are oldies, but goodies. I’ve also read them more than once.
Burning Septemberby Melissa Simonson,The Takedownby Corrie Wang, Tears of a Tigerby Sharon Draper, Fearlessby Francine Pascal, A Great and Terrible Beautyby Libba Bray.
What does literary success look like to you?
That’s a good question! Every finished project is a success
How many hours a day do you write? What is your writing routine?
I’m a word count writer. I sit down with a predetermined number in my head and however long it takes me to reach that goal is how long I’m pecking away at my keyboard, or holding my head in my palms. If I’ve come to a complete block, I have to change my focus, which largely includes me playing The Sims for a while, then coming back to my project to meet my goal.
If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it be and why?
Since the book is part of a series, I would have to go with the Wildcats series by Rachel Vincent. The first book I read was Rogue (book 2), and it was by complete chance. I received it with about five other books and just wasn’t doing anything one night, and read it straight through until I finished at about three o’clock in the morning. That was the book that sparked the idea that I could—and should—write a book of my own. But even if it hadn’t, I just loved that book so much, and each book that followed. I was sad when it ended with Alpha—which I have a signed copy of that makes me happy.
What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?
Probably one of the most overused, but, one of the realist things I could ever say. DON’T GIVE UP! You have to be prepared to see your idea through, whether you’re just getting started, or, you have already written the book and are pitching it to agents. Always remember that even if there are millions of books out there in the world, none of them are like yours. Don’t allow yourself to become consumed with the thoughts of no one will like it, or what if they don’t even read it. Think about what if they DO. Be a champion of your work first and believe in your ability to create something from nothing. Lastly, never allow the negativity of others to make you doubt your talent.
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