Good Morning! Let’s meet women’s fiction and romance author Cherie Mitchell! She has been writing seriously for the last four years or so, and she dreams of her books, making it to the big screen. If you are interested in her genre, check out her books, as she has quite a bit to choose from. If you want to learn more about Cherie and her books, then she can be found on Facebook and her Author Website!
Are you an indie author or a traditionally published author?
Hybrid – I have a couple of traditionally published books and around 20 self-published books.
Tell me a little about your writing journey, thus far.
I began writing as a career four years ago and spent nearly two years as a ghostwriter. Over this period, I wrote 150 books and novellas without receiving any kudos as the author before making the move to write under my own name. My successes to date include a contract with New Zealand’s top literary agency, The Knowing series gaining a listing for TV and movie rights, My Dangerous Valentine reaching No. 1 ranking in
Do you write under a pseudonym? If so explain why.
I was asked to contribute to a shapeshifter anthology in December, and I wrote this novella under a pseudonym (Chastity Blayne) as the genre is paranormal romance and attracts a very different group of readers from the audience I have already built. I have now written a second novella under this name, with a series planned.
What genre do you write and why?
I write mostly women’s fiction and romance, but I enjoy delving into thrillers and horrors. I am also a regular entrant in short story competitions, and I have gained several modest wins in this field across various genres.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on a romance series set in my own country of New Zealand, which is a first for me as my other books are set mostly in the US. It’s a lot of fun bringing my local outdoorsy environment and knowledge of New Zealand into the stories.
What inspired you to write your books?
I love books, and I have always loved books. I guess you could say it is a dream come true to create stories that my readers love. I especially enjoy hearing readers say they have lost themselves in my novels and that my characters invade their night-time dreams.
What are your top 5 favorite books?
I’m a Stephen King fan from way back so I’d have to include several of his. I don’t like to name only five favorite books as I have read hundreds and it would be impossible to choose – I’d feel as if I was doing the others a disservice by selecting only a small number.
What does literary success look like to you?
I would like my name recognized by all the people whom I write my books for. Another dream is to have my books made into a movie and I still have my fingers crossed for that as it slowly creeps closer!
How many hours a day do you write? What is your writing routine?
I write up 8-10 hours a day but I work best in the mornings. My day generally begins with a coffee at my computer around 6 am, although my greyhound forces me to stop at 9 or 10 o’clock to take her for a walk. I also have a bad habit of following random links and ending up lost somewhere
If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it be and why?
I’m a fan of women authors who make their mark in a big way. I would’ve loved to write Little Women or Harry Potter because I love how these books succeeded in getting people talking about them, and they still do years after publication.
What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?
Keep writing. Persistence and dogged determination might be the only thing standing between you and the next bestseller.
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