Good morning! I’m happy to be back and let you in on my latest interview with Melissa Burovac! I was excited to post this blog, and I hope you enjoy it as well. Melissa enjoys writing, and she doesn’t pre-plan her books, she lets them just come to her. So if you are interested in learning more about her and her books, you can check her out at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, and her website. You will find that her books vary from multiple different genres, she doesn’t write just one!
Are you an indie author or a traditionally published author?
I am an indie author. I’ve published four books and am currently working on two more.
Tell me a little about your writing journey, thus far?
I wrote when I was younger, then forgot about it in the scramble of life. I did a 9-month solo RTW trip a few years ago and kept a blog, which I turned into my first book. After that, I remembered that I had always wanted to be a writer! The first book was the hardest because after one I knew I could write more.
Do you write under a pseudonym?
no pseudonym
What genre do you write and why?
I do not write in any specific genre. My first book is non-fiction travel/humor/adventure; second and third books are romantic comedy; fourth book began as a biography and turned into action and adventure fiction. I never set out to specifically write in any genre, the books just happened.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on two books. I am writing the third book of my romantic comedy series “Sylvie’s Romance,” which began as a book about a writer trying (and failing) to write a romance novel; she turns to online dating for research. The second book in the works is another non-fiction travel story.
What inspired you to write your books?
When I was traveling I had some friends following a blog I wrote daily; when I got home, I found out how much they enjoyed knowing where I was, what I was doing, and laughing at all the crazy things that happen during an extended trip with no plan. A few women were amazed that I did the trip solo, and all told me I should turn it into a book. I did, and after that, books just started showing up in my head.
What are your top 5 favorite books?
Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gone with the Wind, Lonesome Dove, the Belgariad, and I’m currently making my way through the entire Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny so I’ll add that in! I couldn’t possibly limit my absolute favorites to 5 – sorry! Maybe a top 20.
What does literary success look like to you?
Literary success is finding an audience who anxiously awaits my next book.
How many hours a day do you write? What’s your writing routine?
I do not write every day – I would guess I write approximately 75% of days. When I have a new idea in my head I like to think about it before I commit anything to paper; giving ideas time to evolve into something unique is a thought process for me. On writing days, I take my puppy out for serious exercise first thing in the morning so she’ll sleep for several hours. I prefer to write outside. My first book was written in the back of my pickup truck parked on an empty stretch of beach. The rest were written in a carport. I generally have a clean house when I write since I wander around picking things up when I’m stuck or looking for a word.
If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it be and why?
There are so many beautifully written books that I would be proud of if they were my own. I could come up with a different answer for this every day.
What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?
Getting through the first draft of the first book is so hard – keep going and finish! After you have a completed draft, don’t be in a hurry to publish. Take your time to make it perfect.
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