Good morning! I’m glad to be back today for our Sunday Interview Series! Today I am introducing author Shari Sakurai! If you have any questions about her or her books, you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Goodreads, and her Author Website!

Are you an indie author or a traditionally published author?
I am an indie author.
Tell me a little about your writing journey, thus far.
My journey began with the publication of my vampire novel Demon’s Blood in 2014. Up until then, I had written only for myself and some fanfiction, so this was the first time that any of my original works had been published. Like a journey, I find that it is a continuing learning process for me as well as having highs and lows. It’s also a wonderful experience, and I’ve met so many lovely people whom I probably never would have otherwise.
Do you write under a pseudonym? If so explain why.
My first name is Shari, but I chose to use the surname Sakurai rather than my actual surname. I did this because I wanted a name that stood out as different and as Japan and its culture have heavily influenced my novels, it seemed fitting for me to choose a Japanese surname.
What genre do you write and why?
I write mainly paranormal and science fiction novels although I also have ideas for a fantasy novel. My novels always feature an LGBT protagonist and/or antagonist. I write these genres as these are the ones I like to read and am passionate about.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on the sequel to my vampire novel Demon’s Blood. The sequel will follow vampire Thane to Japan as he searches for Koji Takata, the only vampire whom Thane believes has the knowledge to save his lover Taku from the demon Kurai’s possession.
What inspired you to write your books?
My inspiration for each of my books is different. For my Perfect World series, it’s the messages that I wanted to get across. The warning of climate change and what it could do to our futures. That while technology has a place in our lives and society, we must not become overly reliant on it. How genetic engineering in the future could be used to manipulate society or be used for unethical purposes, and that good and bad aren’t always clear cut or poles apart.
What are your top 5 favorite books?
It’s really difficult for me to say as I have so many favorites. Ones that first come to mind are Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, Kokoro by Sōseki Natsume, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice and Wit’ch Fire by James Clemens.
How many hours a day do you write? What is your writing routine?
If it’s a weekend, I try to write at least four hours a day, but during the week it will be one to one and a half. My routine can vary, but I usually set my laptop up in the dining room and write whil listening to music. I also have a Dr. Pepper and some snacks handy as I can forget to break to eat!
What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?
When you start writing your first novel take your time and enjoy the writing process. Don’t put yourself under stress to get it finished in a certain timeframe. Writing should always be fun and something that you enjoy doing.
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